TFS Logo

Company number 13811195

Registered office address
Enterprise House 2 Pass Street, Oldham,
Manchester, United Kingdom, OL9 6HZ

Private Limited Company

Incorporated on
21 December 2021

Legal documents
TFS Ltd - Companies Act 13811195 - June 2022
TFS Ltd - Memorandum of Association - December 2021

TFS Ltd - General Power of Attorney (English) - June 2022
TFS Ltd - General Power of Attorney (Czech) - June 2022

TFS Ltd - Company Profile - June 2022 [on request]
TFS Ltd - Shares Allotment - June 2022 [on request]

Bank Accounts

Currency USD     Account No:       1388005709/2700  ----  IBAN CZ3627000000001388005709
Currency EUR     Account No:       1388005696/2700  ----  IBAN CZ9627000000001388005696
Currency CZK      Account No:       1388005688/2700  ----  IBAN CZ2127000000001388005688

UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., Želetavská 1525/1, 140 92 Praha 4

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Use the Contact Form to email your message to TFS Ltd




(i) 2022 - 2025 TFS Ltd

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